(photo by celi - central park zoo 2008)
"Why you jealous, it's not like I'm sleeping with her!!" This being the punch line to the song and video by Beyonce, If I were a boy. Makes you wanna scratch your head like the monkey in the photo. Well not quite the same way. If I would be able to contort my body that way then maybe I would also be able to take care of a few things for myself....it's the old joke of if I can do myself then I wouldn't be in need of a male sexual partner. (As I type this my cat licks herself on my bed and pauses to look at me in a taunting manner. I respond by giving her the finger! You don't have to rub it in.) Why am I jealous....maybe because if I were a boy things would be different. If I were a boy I would be able to redefine terms and always be convinced that when I'm offensive to others I am completely justified in my actions. Like what has happened to the term friend. What does friend really mean? I would love to hear everyones definition of friend and friendship. I think that how it's defined is completely different from how it's really used. I want a partner who is also my friend. I want him to be multi-dimensional, but most of all I want him to want me back. If you are not willing to compromise in a relationship then you are not ready to be in a relationship. Do you feel me.....well if you don't, it's fine, I can feel myself. I've been practicing that monkey move and I'm almost there. When I perfect it I tell you all about it. Hey that's what friends are for.